Tuesday, 27 August 2013

“Never dance in a puddle when there's a hole in your shoe (it's always best to take your shoes off first).” ― John D. Rhodes

 Notting Hill Carnival: 2 days and 20 miles of the most amazing fun, music and of course DANCING! :)

Notting Hill Carnival is the dancing adventure this August Bank Holiday weekend and I had the honour of taking part this year as a Volunteer Children's Steward!  How to describe this one, when the only word that springs to mind is just WOW.  An incredible atmosphere, so many people and one big party!  Definitely nothing like it!  Quite liberating really, everyone was welcomed and even little old me soon forgot about being shy and embraced the carnival spirit! 

I was so impresesd with the colours and detail in the costumes.  The work they must have taken!  Glittery hat off to all, they just kept on dancing hour after hour, especially given the heat and the incredible weight some of them must have been!  The weather couldn't have been better.  All week the reports had been threatening a washout and instead we had the most glorious heatwave.  In just a t-shirt, not one hour in I could feel the sweat dripping off me!

No sooner back than I am already online googling pics and reliving the whole thing!  Wanted to share some of my favourite images below.  Love how real fun and energy is captured in these, as well as the colour and some of the epic costumes on show! 

Photos shared on thenottinghillcarnival.com facebook page
Photos from the Daily Mail online website

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