Saturday, 3 August 2013

“Dance for yourself. If someone understands, good. If not, no matter. Go right on doing what interests you, and do it until it stops interesting you.” ― Louis Horst

First week dancing in London has been an emotional rollercoaster, or maybe more accurately a yoyo between alternate moments of exhilaration and frustration.  Exhilarating is that I am here in the big smoke pretty much living my dream of dancing full time.  Little old me learning alongside West End stars past, present and quite likely future!  Amazing to be spending all day every day surrounded by such immense talent.  Very much hoping that it might be catching!  Ha! Wouldn’t that be wonderful if you only had to stand in the vicinity of talent in order to have it.  Then again of course, where would the joy be in learning if you didn’t have to try?  So despite my frustration, mainly being a product to my distinct lack of talent, it is a pleasant surprise to find myself now thinking that I am glad I struggled.  I am glad I haven’t found this week easy because it is a pretty fantastic feeling to sit here and know I gave my al - oh, and to
know that I get to do it all again next week!

Action shots in the studio!

A real highlight was learning the actual choreography from the West End and a free ticket to see the professionals show us how its done!
Who knew? West End stars are much bigger in real life ;-)

Only in London - drinking chocolate from a mug as big as my head! ;)

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