Wednesday, 28 August 2013

While I dance I cannot judge, I cannot hate, I cannot separate myself from life. I can only be joyful and whole. That is why I dance. --Hans Bos

The National Games are here and yes I am sporting my #onebigsmile! :)  

Day One: The Opening Ceremony

Obligatory quick shot in the loos to show off the new uniform.  It's! ;)
The before shot - our very exciting setting tonight's proceedings!
The little bit after shot and my first job of the afternoon - the delivery of 2500 lunches under the seats for our most important guests; the athletes and their coaches!
Job two - seating people in the right places
Thumbs up! Going well so far!
My third job was as impromptu 'Cheer Team' for the Athletes' Parade.  One of the volunteers had the lovely idea of getting a selection of us to line up either side of the route the athletes took to their seats.  Absolute chaos for those in charge, managing the routes that was.  An absolute dream of a time for little old me to be so close to the action! 
The athletes were 'held' prior to their entrance in teams a few hundred yards or so from the main seating area. There were a number of routes the teams could take to their seats and stewards in fluorescent jackets were in charge of allocating one to each.  Not entirely sure what exactly happened, but it was soon apparent that none of the teams were arriving by the routes the stewards were expecting and so there was a LOT of running around trying to predict where the teams would appear and ensure their safe passage through the crowd.  Running behind them was me!  Hehe!  Only a few of us 'hard core' cheerers went after each and every team as it were.  Hard work all that running - worth it of course! 
The South West Team making their entrance and you might just be able to make out some of the other teams in the background patiently waiting their turn.  A little bit serious looking here.  They soon cheered up when they reached the audience waiting for them!

The after shot if you will, everyone in their seats - photo courtesy of the official Bath 2013 website.  Had to share this, awesome sight no?!!!

And from the other way...
I was a little too far back and, well yes probably more pertinently, too busy boogieing to be taking many photos of the ceremony itself - so below is a collage I made using some of the great photos that were shared on the Special Olympic GB facebook page.

Pictured: Clare Teal; Susan Boyle; Bristol Urban Parkour; Clyve; Colin Salmon and; Attik Dance.
Will Strong (second from left in green) - one of our very own Exeter athletes accompanying the flame of hope to its final destination!  Quite rightly beaming and enjoying every second!  Love it!
Just dawned on me that on this exact date last year I was appearing at the opening ceremony of the London Paralympics.  Today I have the very great honour of being at another opening ceremony!  Hmmm I feel the challenge is on now to find another for 2014!!!!

2012 Opening Ceremony Paralympic Games
2013 Opening Ceremony Special Olympics National Games

And so the Games begin.....

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

“Never dance in a puddle when there's a hole in your shoe (it's always best to take your shoes off first).” ― John D. Rhodes

 Notting Hill Carnival: 2 days and 20 miles of the most amazing fun, music and of course DANCING! :)

Notting Hill Carnival is the dancing adventure this August Bank Holiday weekend and I had the honour of taking part this year as a Volunteer Children's Steward!  How to describe this one, when the only word that springs to mind is just WOW.  An incredible atmosphere, so many people and one big party!  Definitely nothing like it!  Quite liberating really, everyone was welcomed and even little old me soon forgot about being shy and embraced the carnival spirit! 

I was so impresesd with the colours and detail in the costumes.  The work they must have taken!  Glittery hat off to all, they just kept on dancing hour after hour, especially given the heat and the incredible weight some of them must have been!  The weather couldn't have been better.  All week the reports had been threatening a washout and instead we had the most glorious heatwave.  In just a t-shirt, not one hour in I could feel the sweat dripping off me!

No sooner back than I am already online googling pics and reliving the whole thing!  Wanted to share some of my favourite images below.  Love how real fun and energy is captured in these, as well as the colour and some of the epic costumes on show! 

Photos shared on facebook page
Photos from the Daily Mail online website

Saturday, 3 August 2013

“Dance for yourself. If someone understands, good. If not, no matter. Go right on doing what interests you, and do it until it stops interesting you.” ― Louis Horst

First week dancing in London has been an emotional rollercoaster, or maybe more accurately a yoyo between alternate moments of exhilaration and frustration.  Exhilarating is that I am here in the big smoke pretty much living my dream of dancing full time.  Little old me learning alongside West End stars past, present and quite likely future!  Amazing to be spending all day every day surrounded by such immense talent.  Very much hoping that it might be catching!  Ha! Wouldn’t that be wonderful if you only had to stand in the vicinity of talent in order to have it.  Then again of course, where would the joy be in learning if you didn’t have to try?  So despite my frustration, mainly being a product to my distinct lack of talent, it is a pleasant surprise to find myself now thinking that I am glad I struggled.  I am glad I haven’t found this week easy because it is a pretty fantastic feeling to sit here and know I gave my al - oh, and to
know that I get to do it all again next week!

Action shots in the studio!

A real highlight was learning the actual choreography from the West End and a free ticket to see the professionals show us how its done!
Who knew? West End stars are much bigger in real life ;-)

Only in London - drinking chocolate from a mug as big as my head! ;)

Sunday, 21 July 2013

“Dance like there’s nobody watching. Or filming. Never mind that creepy guy in the corner with the camcorder. Just keep dancing.” ― Jarod Kintz

Today I made a music video :)

I was one of seven dancers chosen to film in the beautiful setting of Dartmoor.  We were sworn to secrecy over the exact details, so a full update will have to wait.  However, what fun it was.  Really liked the song and the singer had the most lovely voice.  Simply cannot wait to see what the final product looks like!  Incredibly interesting to get a brief insight into the world of the music video. 

I should swiftly add that though there were many camcorders, we had no creepy guys!  Creepy setting mind once the sun went down!  

Monday, 1 July 2013

"Dance is a little insanity that does us all a lot of good." - Edward Demby

I have been referred to as somewhat nutty on a number of occasions.  Such occasions appear to be ever more frequent of late.  I'm sure I should be offended.  However I'm not, quite simply because if feeling this good comes from being just a wee bit insane, then I think I am just gonna keep on dancing forever!

Happy July everyone!  So excited, this month is going to be awesome!!!!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

“I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.”--- Mikhail Baryshnikov

One of things I like most about volunteering with the Special Olympics is the smiling.  My smile, their smile; we are all smiling!  Cheesy?  Very much so, but we are loving it and isn't that all that matters?  I don't think I laugh nearly as much any where else as I do on a Thursday and Saturday with these guys.  They are truly an inspiration.  They have taught me so much, not least of which is to stop taking myself and life so seriously. 

Essentially I guess I am finally realising what a lot of people have been trying to tell me for a long time and that is to stop worrying about what other people think!  Probably more accurately, I need to stop worrying about what I think other people are thinking.  Can't dance and far too old to be trying is what I tend assume is being thought.  True to be fair, BUT I know I will never be a professional dancer, but as an enthusiastic amateur I have never had more fun!  I have finally stopped apologising for wanting to dance and in doing so I have met so many wonderful people and had so many amazing new experiences.  It is so lovely to be dancing again and even more lovely to still be learning.  My latest bit of news is that I CAN and did apply to dance in London with people who I know will be so much better than me.  The result, an offer to learn from some great people and hopefully leave dancing just that little bit better than I do now oh AND dancing in the West End and for one night only!  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I can hardly believe it! Very definitely a dream come true!!!!!

For now however, it is feet back on the ground and in Special Olympic land and we have a new toy - New Age Curling.  It is fun fun FUN! The most fun part arguably being to watch people trying to figure out how the equipment works.  So simple, yet so perplexing.....  We also have our second heat of the Devon Inspire Trials.  An important occasion I am sure you will agree, and accordingly I felt the uniform needed a little something and more specifically, the stripey leg warmers were it.  Apparently the uniform on the day will be red t-shirts, red face paint and red ribbons in our hair.  I swear it is like they had me in mind when they were coming up with it.  I almost feel I should apologise to the other competitors and volunteers....almost.


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

So today is the first day of my new life as a teacher! I've got three weeks work at a local primary school teaching dance as part of their after school club.  It sits in really well with the teaching I have been involved with so far and I really can't wait to see how working in a primary school compares! I've been reading their website to find out a little more about the school and it looks like I have some very high standards to reach!  It seriously seems to be a fantastic school with some excellent teaching and learning provision.  I am so, SO excited about the thought of being part of it!  


The theme for Lesson One is Space. My remit being to create a fun environment from which the children learn through play, I decided there was only one thing for it: SPACE PIRATES!  I so enjoyed it, more importantly of course I felt the children really did too!  I felt much more in control of the class this time and so I would like to think the madness that ensued, was in fact organised chaos!  The children really got involved with every exercise and responded really well to the ideas.  It was great seeing them use their imaginations so creatively! Hilarious seeing the reactions of other children and teachers passing by, keen on seeing no doubt what we were up to!  Teachers tended to be much more tentative, but a swift smile and nod in my direction followed on every occasion which I hope means I got the the thumbs up and will be allowed back next time.  Thinking on which, perhaps I do need to prepare something a little calmer.  I was asleep by 8.30pm, which as an insomniac is quite the achievement!  They wore me out for sure!