One of things I like most about volunteering with the Special Olympics is the smiling. My smile, their smile; we are all smiling! Cheesy? Very much so, but we are loving it and isn't that all that matters? I don't think I laugh nearly as much any where else as I do on a Thursday and Saturday with these guys. They are truly an inspiration. They have taught me so much, not least of which is to stop taking myself and life so seriously.
Essentially I guess I am finally realising what a lot of people have been trying to tell me for a long time and that is to stop worrying about what other people think! Probably more accurately, I need to stop worrying about what I think other people are thinking. Can't dance and far too old to be trying is what I tend assume is being thought. True to be fair, BUT I know I will never be a professional dancer, but as an enthusiastic amateur I have never had more fun! I have finally stopped apologising for wanting to dance and in doing so I have met so many wonderful people and had so many amazing new experiences. It is so lovely to be dancing again and even more lovely to still be learning. My latest bit of news is that I CAN and did apply to dance in London with people who I know will be so much better than me. The result, an offer to learn from some great people and hopefully leave dancing just that little bit better than I do now oh AND dancing in the West End and for one night only! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I can hardly believe it! Very definitely a dream come true!!!!!
Essentially I guess I am finally realising what a lot of people have been trying to tell me for a long time and that is to stop worrying about what other people think! Probably more accurately, I need to stop worrying about what I think other people are thinking. Can't dance and far too old to be trying is what I tend assume is being thought. True to be fair, BUT I know I will never be a professional dancer, but as an enthusiastic amateur I have never had more fun! I have finally stopped apologising for wanting to dance and in doing so I have met so many wonderful people and had so many amazing new experiences. It is so lovely to be dancing again and even more lovely to still be learning. My latest bit of news is that I CAN and did apply to dance in London with people who I know will be so much better than me. The result, an offer to learn from some great people and hopefully leave dancing just that little bit better than I do now oh AND dancing in the West End and for one night only! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I can hardly believe it! Very definitely a dream come true!!!!!
For now however, it is feet back on the ground and in Special Olympic land and we have a new toy - New Age Curling. It is fun fun FUN! The most fun part arguably being to watch people trying to figure out how the equipment works. So simple, yet so perplexing..... We also have our second heat of the Devon Inspire Trials. An important occasion I am sure you will agree, and accordingly I felt the uniform needed a little something and more specifically, the stripey leg warmers were it. Apparently the uniform on the day will be red t-shirts, red face paint and red ribbons in our hair. I swear it is like they had me in mind when they were coming up with it. I almost feel I should apologise to the other competitors and volunteers....almost.